Thursday 20 September 2012


I really love this Brooklyn Tin wallpaper in collaboration with trendy uber shop  Merci, but at £219 a roll this is not going on my walls.
So time to do what I always do in these situations. Have a go myself. This is a work in progress. I want the background colour to be darker.
However I am really liking the distress and the feel of the print. I am going to get some more paint now will let you know how mark 2  goes.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Before and After

Finally I have finished painting the kitchen shelves that were taken out for the damp proofing . I have painted them a slightly darker cream and boy was that a pain . Anyway here are the before and after shots. It really doesn't look much different except that I have used my own printed wallpaper.!!!!That was the fun part, sanding, filling and painting not so much. What do you think? You may recognise the print as one I used earlier on fabric. My appetite is wetted, what next I wonder?



Tuesday 18 September 2012

And the award goes to.......

It's been a full weekend of Birthday parties visitors and a chance to celebrate Jewish New Year which was a real treat and an honour.

I'm afraid I can't celebrate a birthday without having a bit of fun myself and so a request to go to the cinema for a Birthday treat turned into a movie party complete with invites, popcorn muffins, cake and party bags. I may have gone a bit over the top but boy did I have fun. I think the kids enjoyed themselves too.

One lovely  parent even awarded me the Oscar for best Movie Party. Thanks Frankie  and if I could just take a moment of the academy's time I would like to thank ..............

Last Hurrah

So the last hot summer day was spent in Regents Park with two boys a dog and a picnic." Most pleasant", I thought as I dozed on the blankets and the cushions as the boys rounded up all the kids to a massive game of 'It" on the climbing frame.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Homeward bound and back to school

Back in Blighty with a quick pit stop over the splendid Viaduct at Millau, a swim at a great hotel and a visit to Amiens . All set nearly for the start of school and the end of the summer. Mr Blue sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long, where did we go wrong?