Sunday 27 February 2011

End of party season

There are a lot of Birthdays in February in our house. To say by the end of Feb that I'm sick of chocolate cake is not an over statement. Tomorrow is the last Birthday and above is the last batch of cakes that I need bake for a while. Phew! Happy Birthday Finn !

Saturday 26 February 2011

Out and about

Out and about in Hong Kong. Can you tell that grey is my favourite colour at the moment? I hadn't noticed until I posted the pictures here.

Monday 21 February 2011

Getting ready

It has been very wet and grey and cold for the last week and a half and I have been waiting that long to photograph my new display set up for the next fair. Myself and a friend will be selling cards at the West Island School fair on March 12th. As you can see some new card ideas and new fabrics too.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Long time no see

Did you know that the phrase " Long time no see" is a direct translation from Chinese. No? Well I digress . Its been a long time and my only excuse is Chinese New Year, parties, children and some work. So I include a round up by I phone of my week.

This lady was moving quite quickly for someone of an advanced age. I want that outfit. She is now my style guru.