Monday 2 July 2012

Yoko Ono and Ai Wei Wei

Yoko Ono has to be one of the most vilified Rock wives in history and yet it is often forgotten that before she was a wife she was an artist and still is. The Serpentine gallery is hosting a mini retrospective of many of her most famous works this summer. It's thought provoking work and very very good.

Above is a picture of Yoko Ono from her video " Cut Piece". She performed this I believe in many places and at separate times over the years. The exhibition has one video from her in the 1960's when she was in her 30's and one from when she was in her 70's playing opposite from each other. They are truly disturbing pieces. I was very moved by all her videos but this piece will stay with me for a very long time.Sadly my kids and husband were only moved as far as outside the exhibition and to the comfort of Ai Wei Wei's Cork seats and Pavilion outside.
By the way isn't this the strangest picture you ever saw? The Pavilion did not look like this on a Saturday afternoon . This looks like a set from an alien abduction movie.

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